

丽兹(索拉·伯奇 Thora Birch饰)出生在美国的贫民窟里,从小就开始承受着家庭的千疮百孔,父母酗酒吸毒,母亲患上了精神分裂症。贫穷的丽兹需要出去乞讨,流浪在城市的角落,生活的苦难似乎无穷无尽。


天神爱上凡人,这原本就是不被允许的事情。但是,天宫中的三圣母(徐帆 配音)却执意爱上了人间的书生刘彦昌。不顾二郎神(姜文 配音)的反对,三圣母带着神器宝莲灯私下凡间与刘彦昌私定终身并生下一子取名叫沉香。平静、幸福的七年很快就过去了,有一天二郎神突然下凡,并用小沉香威胁三圣母交出宝莲灯并被其压在华山下。一个美好的家庭也由此破碎。沉香从土地神口中知道了自己的身世,为了夺回宝莲灯,救出母亲,由此踏上了艰辛的寻母之路。多年的磨练,让沉香成长为一个英勇的少年,并在孙悟空(陈佩斯 配音)的点拨下,获得一把神斧,最终宝莲灯与沉香合二为一,战胜了二郎神,劈开华山,救出了母亲。



Yeon-soo is in Gangwon-do on a business trip. Due to a bad snow storm, she ends up staying at the same motel she and her friend Chul-min stayed during a trip in college. She has two things that are tearing her up inside: She and her husband aborted a long-awaited pregnancy because they found out the baby might have birth defects, and she ignored Chul-min’s misfortune and he committed suicide. Yeon-soo becomes curious about a girl named Anna staying in Yeon-soo and Chul-min’s old room#313. Strange things begin to happen as Anna and an odd couple, Joe and Park come to the motel.